1. Business Leadership Program

The facilitator's program has been outstanding and I feel it will be a key training for us as we move forward in the power generation business. The combined focus on both leadership and business skills has allowed us to see the important connection between the two. The facilitator's facilitation style is engaging and challenging and he has introduced many unique activities that have allowed us gain a different perspective on ourselves and our jobs. The facilitator provides many opportunities for us to work together in teams and this has really helped build a strong relationship among all the members of the class which has carried over into the factory where I feel we are becoming much more cooperative and supportive of each other.

Before attending the facilitator's program, I thought my role as a manager was just to ensure the smooth running of daily operations. Now, I know that much more is expected of me as a business manager and potential business leader and this has inspired me to try much harder. I want to recommend to my company that all managers be given the opportunity to take this kind of program.

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2. Leadership Program

The seminar leader's seminar has been fantastic. This has been the best training program I have ever attended in my twenty years at this company. Firstly, the seminar leader is very knowledgeable of the subject and also has excellent presentation skills. (His great sense of humor also helps keep the class lively and enjoyable.) But his main strength, I think, lies in his ability to make the participants themselves accountable for their learning. He never keeps the focus of the seminar on himself but is always thinking about how he can best help us deepen and apply the lessons of the seminar. His has the ability to ask the kinds of questions that force us to look at things from many perspectives and he really makes us think.

Although the focus of the seminar was not specifically on team building, I also enjoyed the seminar because of the subtle techniques and methods he used to build the seminar participants into a team. He showed us how to work effectively in our groups but also gave us opportunities to work and interact with every other member of the seminar. I feel I have now built a very important network of colleagues that I often don't get a chance to work with and that I will be able to start using from tomorrow.

In conclusion, his program was practical (I can start applying the skills I learned immediately), mind-deepening (I looked at management in ways I had never thought of before), and highly enjoyable. I am really looking forward to taking the next program in the series.

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3. Group Workshop

I very much enjoyed the workshop and I'm looking forward to the next one. For me using mind maps instead of a business card was a new idea and I had fun making the paper clip sculpture. My coworker found the workshop very inspiring and it turned out that he hadn't previously experienced any of the exercises. The variety of the activities and the lessons we were able to draw from them was also very inspiring for me, too. I don't think I've ever had so much fun while at the same time learning so much at any other workshop I've attended. The workshop leader's approach and his method really helped reinforce the messages he was presenting and I really enjoyed the opportunity to work with so many interesting people. The workshop leader has a unique and inspiring way of bringing a group together in a very quick way which helps us relax and thus become much more receptive and open to the training. Great job! I'm looking forward to future seminars.

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